LOVE is so difficult to define because it is a powerful word. I will try to describe it, based on my readings and experiences. But I believe that the best way to know what love is - is to experience it. After that you will be able to explain it a bit. A friend asked me this question…what is love?
LOVE is SACRIFICE. The best example of LOVE is John 3:16 - For GOD so loved the world that He gave is His only Begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Because of God's love for us, His only Son became a sacrifcial lamb so we can be free from sins.
LOVE is GIVING of yourself until it HURTS. It is love when you give the best part of the CHICKEN to your partner eventhough it is also your FAVORITE.
LOVE is UNDERSTANDING your partner’s weaknesses and shortcomings by ACCEPTING that you cannot change him/her and REALIZING that you can only change yourself.
LOVE is not DIFFICULT to show, it comes NATURALLY, it is FREE from worries, fears and doubts and it is a free flowing emotions and feelings.
LOVE is FORGIVING your partner for his/her mistakes and giving him/her SECOND CHANCES. It does not keep a record of WRONGDOINGS. It can forget past sins and move on without placing some RULES, therefore it is unconditional.
LOVE is a lifetime COMMITMENT to each other. It can stand the test of time. It can overcome trials and temptations with flying colors.
LOVE is LOYAL. It stays within your reach even when you are far. It is deep inside your HEART every second, every moment of the DAY. No one can take it AWAY if you will NOT ALLOW it.
LOVE is a CONSCIOUS DECISION. It is not something that you decide today and forget about it TOMORROW. It is for KEEPS and not a temporary thing.
LOVE knows how to APPRECIATE. It is LOVE when you tell your wife “thank you sweetheart” - eventhough there is a burned toast in the table and still you can eat it silently or for eating breakfast food at dinner time.
LOVE is SHOWY. When you love someone, you should be PROUD of him/her and you can freely show your FEELINGS towards the person you love. You can hug, kiss and embrace even in crowded places. It is not love when it stays a SECRET.