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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Discovery Shores, Boracay, Philippines

I visited Boracay last year twice....months of June and November. I enjoyed so much our November trip with the Toshiba  group. Yes, it was another sponsored trip and so lucky to have the time to join it. :) I was with my constant travel companion, my lady boss. :) We stayed at Discovery Shores Resort. I think this hotel was the most expensive hotel I have checked in so far in Boracay. Love the place and the courteous staff. I felt that we were really pampered and accommodated well while staying there. We have tried wind sailing during sunset and reef walking. It was so much fun. Still want to be back there again, even though it would be my 6th time. :)

View from our villa. This is very near the wishing stone wherein you can write your wishes using a brush and water.

This is the front of the resort. The view is very relaxing. Near the cafe area wherein you can have your breakfast.

We did some water sports activities  like Reef Walking and Wind Sailing.

A  pose before going to the beach....tummy was full cause of the yummy breakfast. :)

One of the many flowers around the resort. You can really find flowers everywhere aside from the fresh flowers in your room. :)

Our spacious room with veranda. Like the bed, so smooth and soft and lots of pillows around.

View from the veranda. You can actually see the beach. :)

Upon arrival, we were given a foot massage. Soooo relaxing! :) Plus the yummy goodies, fresh pink carnation flowers and a welcome banner. :)

One of the many beautiful sunsets. Sad that I was not able to capture it all when I was there. Need a better lens or maybe, I really don't know yet how to use my camera..hehehe.

Captured this beautiful blooming white lily on cam. The beauty of nature. :)

You can select fruits and someone will prepare and slice it for you. Yummy breakfast :)

The Toshiba team together with other IT partners. :)

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